At the same time, Andy is heading for college, but Woody isn't quite ready to let go of his owner and the memories that follow. On the surface, this movie is about the toys in a series of circumstances, winding up in a daycare center that isn't all it seems. Just like Toy Story 2's subtle and underlying themes, Toy Story 3 revolves around the group of toys and their latest adventure, but dwells far deeper than that. Guys, this is the go-to movie of the summer, and makes up for any disappointment you have seen this year or last. The predictability factor in this movie is low, and the payoff to all the suspense is extremely high. It literally is difficult to find any flaw or any slow moment in this movie, and even if there is, it will immediately be forgiven by the next major laugh or the next major revelation. Like any spectacular trilogy, it wraps up all loose ends. This time, thanks to an incredible script, there's more suspense, more drama, and many more surprises. The humor is back, the heart is back, the delightful cast of characters is back. Toy Story 3 does exactly what the first two did, delivered on all cylinders, all aspects of film-making and entertainment. Could part 3 even come close to the original two? My friends, I am very happy to say, the answer is a resounding yes. The first two Toy Story films are among the best movies of all-time and to this day entire animation studios have failed to duplicate an ounce of the magic contained in Toy Story. The original is a masterpiece that changed animation forever, and the sequel is among the best in the history of film (I mean that). Afraid because it has some major, major shoes to fill.

Upon the mention of the third Toy Story, I was deathly afraid. Yes, I am neglecting the fourth Indiana Jones. These are all incredible trilogies that can, will, and should stand the test of time.