But I do believe this functionality has existed for quite a while.

So there may be some nuanced differences between Mac and PC versions as well as between software versions. Lastly, the screenshots and the steps written here are for Microsoft Word for Mac (version 16.44). If you have done it manually (and I’m not really sure why you would have done that – grin), your process of converting footnotes to endnotes will also be very manual. This How-To article also assumes that you have used the Microsoft Word functionality to properly insert footnotes or endnotes (and you haven’t done it via some sort of manual process). It’s important to note that you can use these steps to also convert endnotes to footnotes just as easily. This How-To article will go through both processes: individually converting footnotes to endnotes and doing the conversion in bulk. I discovered that bulk conversion of footnotes to endnotes is not entirely intuitive, so I figured I would write a quick How-To article for others. But I wanted to do it in bulk due to the number of footnotes I would have to do individually. She sent me the Word doc, and I did some quick research and found the process to individually convert footnotes to endnotes. The problem was, she wanted them as endnotes, and she didn’t know how to convert the Microsoft Word footnotes to endnotes. Since she is a history professor, the article she was writing had many citations and references, and all of these were automatically listed at the bottom of each page in her Microsoft Word document as footnotes. She was under a deadline on an article she needed to submit. My stepmom contacted me in a panic this weekend.